Sunday, March 2, 2008

Two new daughters in the month of May!

The most exciting development over this past year is that Kris finally found the girl of his dreams! In December, Kristopher asked Whitney Chipley of Florence, SC, to marry him. She is beautiful inside and out, and we are so excited to have her as a daughter. Their wedding date is planned for May 24th. We are hoping and praying that our trip to China will in no way, shape or form interfere with their special day. Leave it to me to have two major life & family events happening at the same time! God is so awesome He will work it out perfectly I feel certain.
How blessed can a family be to get two new daughters in one month??

Is this the wildest month ever??

I just read on RQ that there are rumblings of January 6th being matched this month as well??
When will the insanity stop? This really makes me nervous. If the 6th is matched the possibility of us being matched in April is greater!!

It has been almost one year...

Well I sat here and typed my brains out several paragraphs long and somehow managed to lose everything i typed!! So i think i will re-do this in bits & pieces because I really don't have the patience to go through it all again now.

I am very glad that I did not realize this time last year that in one year we STILL would not have a referral!! This is absolutely crazy! I am relieved to report that we are now only 9 Log In Dates away from a referral. Could we be next?? possibly and very possibly not! It has been 2.5 years of "we are only six months away" ... over and over again. And now all of a sudden.. we could be next!

When i think of it, I find myself not breathing!

Becoming a family at Adoption signing

Becoming a family at Adoption signing

The bow actually sticks!

Brielle's nanny loves on her during wait

Hey.. i can't see much from down here

Summer Palace

Summer Palace
This place is so beautiful!

The infamous Squatty Potty!

The infamous Squatty Potty!
it's all there was....